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Whats your most horrific experience ..
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former member default image - bird flying away

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katoth wrote: `Worst dating experiance ever? Meet a gal I thought was cool and played games and was into zombies...had a zombie smelling vagina and had to never speak to her again after bringing it up(in the most polite way possible) because she got offended and said she knew she was smelly. WTF?! If you knew you have a problem go take care of it and certainly dont subject anyone to it!

Worst ever.

LOL thats wrong, jeez, yeah if you knew why dont you go to the doc more importantly it could be a problem! Ew .

/Does not wanna know what a 'zombie' vag smells ect like =.O

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November 8, 2010
Posts: 7

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missbelial wrote: katoth wrote: `Worst dating experiance ever? Meet a gal I thought was cool and played games and was into zombies...had a zombie smelling vagina and had to never speak to her again after bringing it up(in the most polite way possible) because she got offended and said she knew she was smelly. WTF?! If you knew you have a problem go take care of it and certainly dont subject anyone to it!

Worst ever.

LOL thats wrong, jeez, yeah if you knew why dont you go to the doc more importantly it could be a problem! Ew .

/Does not wanna know what a 'zombie' vag smells ect like =.O

Yes it was pretty bad...Now I'm a lil gunshy .

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former member default image - bird flying away

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my friend hooked me up on a date with someone...blind (only for me and the guy she set me up with) double date D:

in the middle of dinner, the guy starts joking about 10 ways to kill/torture a cat... he thought it was funny...

I love cats, they are fur babies! I told him he just showed me what an idiot he really was and that if he had ever had a chance with me he lost it right then and there.

he really thought he was being funny and witty... WTF?

worst date ever

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August 21, 2012
Posts: 2

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`Worst dating experience?

Well, once I was with a girl and we were hitting it off pretty well. We had all sorts of things in common. It just seemed like we were meant to be.
Of course, being the awkward jackass that I was at the time, had to say something to ruin the atmosphere.

"Mom, are you sure this is right?"

Totally blew it.

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November 11, 2010
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`Say what?

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September 18, 2012
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Ok Worst Date Ever: The pic he had on his profile was like 5 years old. He was at least 100 pounds heavier and lost most of his hair. But I wouldn't have minded that except for the deception. When he got to my place he called me on his cell to tell me to come out. Not even a car horn - god forbid he get his lazy --- out the truck to ring the bell. I get in to his truck which had dirty laundry, groceries (non perishable) and fast food bags every where. He says to me you need to be quiet I am listening to the Devil's game on the radio. We go a diner - not even a restaurant. He eats like $30 worth of food I order an ice tea and an appetizer bc I want this to be over with. At the end of the meal he says ok let's split the bill 50/50. I was like I will pay for what I ate. I asked him to drop me off and he is like no I have a surprise for you. At this point I am completely sick to my stomach bc it is just a vile experience. So he takes me to this Kereoke bar I mentioned and thank god friends of mine were there. I got them to distract him while one of my friends got me out the door and took me home. Best part wasn't even the date. It was being told (I am going to date myself with this statement) by the other women in the aol chat room what a catch he was and how dumb I was. I was like ok you all can have him. lmao I am surprised that I am still dating on line after all these years.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: that really sucks

i kinda had the same thing happen to me at one point sorry it didn't work out

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former member default image - bird flying away

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`Haha, this is why I stopped dating xD
It's all just a mess really, I am still hoping to just bump in to MrRight somewhere but that doesn't seem likely unfortunately...

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