Playstation Group (NEW Posting Feature - BETA - In Development) 5473 members

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Survival Horror
Ahh such a great genre. In my opinion the genre started and ended on the ps1 with a few excellent exceptions on the ps2 (Silent hill 2 and 3).

Even though the camera angles were terrible, the voice acting horrible, and the controls made your head want to explode, there was a certain charm that can never be remade.

What are your favorite PS1 Survival Horror games?

Mine are definitely Silent Hill 1 (the scariest of the series) and capcom's Dino Crisis.

Also, do you think horror games can be taken to the next level on newer systems while keeping the charm of the ps1 era survival horror games?

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what're ur fav games?
For ps1 I loved ff7. I always wanted to play elemental gearbolt though but I could never find the game (come to think of it that game would be 11 years old now haha) Ape Escape was really cool. Crash Bandicoot 1, Lunar, Tekken 2, Street Fighter Alpha 3. I miss my ps1

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Quirky playstation games.
Well, seeing as there's nothing in the playstation I hoped I could bring a good (Decent at least) topic to bear a little chat fruit in this section.

So here's a question for people to ponder and answer if they want.. what are your favorite quirky games on the playstation? By quirky I mean games with strange systems and out of the box scenarios.
The gameplay doesn't need to be absolutely different from the norm but a bit bizzare in it's own right. A example game might be "Mr. Dominoes", which I never played but got a peak at on a internet show.

Feel free to be as detailed as you wish about the game, it would be good if you explained as much as possible about them, thanks. :)

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