What to write about muhself...
Im very comedic
Which, in turn, causes me to use vast amounts of sarcasm in day to day life so if you cant stand sarcasm, you may want to move on now
Im pretty gosh darn intelligent if i may say so muhself. Im jus bursting with random, fun facts and make many references in everyday life. Mostly to movies and tv shows

Im a musician, but not the cool rock and roll kind. I compose epic orchestra music for films and video games. Its pretty much the very best
I have very broad musical tastes depending on muh mood. No country though

I also am very involved in graphic design and web design
I know, awesome right?
I've been around the block and delt with many, many terrible people and I know what I want. If that means I have to continue being alone so be it.
Now what I'm looking for:
This will turn 90% of you away but you must be at least 420 accepting.
I not only indulge but I'm very active in the political scene for medical marijuana legalization here in MN.
We almost got it last year but what can you do
You must understand the artists life
You must not be an obsessive sports fan
There is nothing worse than obnoxious people who's lives revolve around something as insignificant and petty as sports. There's so much more out there. I don't/wont watch it.
Must be able to hold up their end in a conversation. I'm very educated and am renowned for using big words, even in texts lolz! Keep up or go home
Those are my biggies but Im bored with typing at this point so if you wanna know more, jus ask
I play PS3 like its going out of style
My gamertag is firebird_95