I guess you could say i'm part Solid Snake, part Link, part Shinji Ikari, and part Squall Leonheart. Add in the fact that i'm a die-hard romantic and you have a rough estimate of what I am.

I'm a kind-hearted and genuine person, and I value honesty, openness and communication very highly. I am very respectful of people, even if I do not agree with them, and I expect to be respected in return. I try to live life by the golden rule and do onto others as I would have done to me.
I like to stay active and workout 3-4 times a week. I am also a gamer at heart and always likely will be. Trying to find balance in life is important to me, I think it is one of the best ways to find happiness. Being able to enjoy the action packed adventures in life as well as the quiet relaxing times curled up on the couch next to your special somebody.
I take people as they are, and try my best not to judge them even if i do not agree with them. I expect that whoever I am with would not expect me to change the core of who I am, just as I would not expect them to change who they are. Loving somebody is loving them completely, both the good and the bad and everything in between.