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The Old Republic

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July 29, 2011
Posts: 2

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I cant believe Star Wars: The Old Republic is not listed in here. Also expected to see more forums I guess but this doesnt seem to be a very active spot. Well anyway. Who is interested in The Old Republic? Ive been signed up with TOR on their site since Oct 08 and its finally looking like a release is coming within 3 months. So who wants to h--k up for some Star Wars RPG action?

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Posted:     Post subject:

The forums really don't see much action I was going to post another topic soon but havng trouble doing it seeing as the post prob. won't see much action. I am very happy with the space combat I have see with the video and trailers for this game. This game really has to set itself part from the star trek MMO. This is more of a niche game as people who play this will more than likely be big star wars fans themselves. I honestly do like star wars more than star trek which I could never really get into. I will be giving this title a go around even though my heart is truely set on Diablo 3 right now.

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July 29, 2011
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`You're Def right about it being a niche game. From everyone ive talked to the only ones to show interest in it are those who are star wars fans already or just completely tired of current mmos. I never tried Star Trek for that same reason. I couldnt even watch any of the series because I just did not like it.

As far as Diablo 3 is concerned I think people have been set on it forever now. I hope this years blizzcon they will announce some decent information on it and not just they have tweaked some of the combat style on a class or added a new functionality to current mechanics. I think with the amount of games being released this year blizzard will be pushed into announcing a release date or projected quarter just to stay in the headlines with it.

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Well atm the projected quarter release is Q1 of next year it just got pushed back again.... I posted about it in general disscussion. Really other than Diablo 3 nothing really else is on the board for disscusion unless they are going to talk about the next starcraft installment but I don't see that expansion coming out this or next year tho.

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September 13, 2011
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`I'm totally Psyched for TOR !!! Going to be the best game ever, u know or suck and die.

But anyway shouldn't this be in the MMORPG section?

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October 12, 2011
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Unfortunately I don't think TOR is going to do well at all. I love Star Wars, but it is trying to go after WoW, and it just won't work.

At most it will peak out at about 4 million users, if that, but they're hoping for 12. WoW simply has too tight a lock on that market, and paying monthly fees to play games means gamers will play fewer different titles simultaneously.

Add to that the fact that most Star Wars games have been plagued with bugs and lag...

Game looks good, and if it had come out 3 years ago... maybe. But I predict it will just linger and die a slow death.

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November 17, 2011
Posts: 5

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: The Old Republic
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shedoa wrote: I cant believe Star Wars: The Old Republic is not listed in here. Also expected to see more forums I guess but this doesnt seem to be a very active spot. Well anyway. Who is interested in The Old Republic? Ive been signed up with TOR on their site since Oct 08 and its finally looking like a release is coming within 3 months. So who wants to h--k up for some Star Wars RPG action?

Well you can join a large group called The Sentinels ...(removed)

Their main site is listed there. I used to be higher on the ranking list for Rift with them. They cover several games...have multi guild leaders. A bit overkill nerdism actually in their structure.

Still they have guilds on both sides for SWTOR. Also a large member base that knows eachother. It's not all strangers.

Figure I toss this in to give you someplace to start. I will join them on Dark Sentinels for a bit. Since my old raid leaders, guild leaders, and some RL friends are in it there.

Just mention Warpriest is your referral people.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Definitely going to play it! As a Bioware fan I hope it would get popular.
And it would be great to get into a proper Sci-fi MMO for once.

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