If you are still Reading then there is hope that my princess is not in another castle. I long to be with someone that i can share my life with and yet be the complete geek i am and have her understand what the heck i'm saying. I just do not want to be alone anymore.
I am a kind, gentle, caring man that is loyal and treats people with respect. i am not a millionaire 'even though i wish i was' but i do make it by enough to pay the bills and live.
in my free time i like to play video games on the PC being i had sell my Xbox 360 and games to pay for internet 'priority's right'. i am currently playing Star Wars Galaxies EMU, War Thunder, GTA 5 online and offline in my spare time and yet i would give it up to have that special someone if i had too.
I care about personality meaning if your full of yourself then you can forget it. If your someone that is spontaneous, random, caring, loving, and cant forget geeky

i want to start a family and have kids a dog or cat or both. have a white picked fence and a nice house. have cars and pay of debt for the rest of our lives as is the american dream.
Favorite Video Game: Final Fantasy X
Favorite Anime: Steins Gate
Favorite OS: Windows 10 ;D