20yr Male Xbox 360 Gamer My name is Johnathan Irwin and I'm a 20 year old high school graduate. In fall of 2010 I plan on going back to school to persue a career in game design, and I hope to start my own development team with friends of mine. As for why I'm on the site well it's obvious, I need to get back into dating. After my big break up with the girl I thought would be "the one" my confidence was shot and I let myself go a bit, but with 2010 comes a time for change. I'm already working to better my life simply by changing a few of my habits back to normal ( like not sleeping in and actually exercising. ), and of course I want to find another special someone. Even if dating doesn't work out, it'd be nice to have another friend anyway so don't be shy

. I've always been a heavier set guy, but I will be working to get as much of the weight off as possible. I can't promise six pack abs, but I'll certainly try to do what I can. When it comes to gaming I enjoy most FPS titles and RPG titles, mostly on the Xbox 360. When it comes to dating I like to consider myself a guy who wouldn't mind just spending a quiet evening talking, but I'm not against the more traditional dates like dinner and a movie or things like that. I just feel like there is more opprotunities for two people to become friends and more with eachother when just talking, once of course any shyness barriers are out of the way. I guess what I'm looking for is just to get back into dating, it's a trial and error process but of course I'll try my hardest each time until things work out