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Introducing Myself as....Myself

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Posted:     Post subject: Introducing Myself as....Myself

Well with everyone talking about things getting more active, it certainly doesn't help that we don't bother making more threads or getting to know each other.

I'm a student at the Rochester Institute of Technology. I'd like to do game design as a profession, but am currently seeking an education to become a game journalist on the web. I currently do news editting and game reviews over at as well as moderate the forums there.

I like video games of various kinds, though I've grown to be bored with most JRPG's as of late. I tend to favor shooter type games, particularly ones that are very war-like such as Halo, Gears of War and Call of Duty, but not too realistic like GRAW. I've been a fan of the Xbox systems ever since I got the original a year after it's release, and the Wii and DS has revived my faith in Nintendo that they actually are beginning to know what they are doing. I never really liked Sony much, and given the lack of support the PS3 is getting I don't think the game industry did either, since they have other options to be successful on.

Other hobbies include dungeons and dragons style role playing games, card games like Ninja Burger, Munchkin and Order of the Stick, board games like Shadows Over Camelot, reading good fantasy novels, watching movies and generally hanging out with friends.

This summer I have taken a job as a member of iD Tech Camps to teach kids how to do web development and flash animation.

I am a Christian, and one of my favorite past times this past year was discussing new theories and thoughts with my agnostic roommate as I progressed through the New Testament. Knowledgeable Agnostics sometimes are the best sort of people to discuss religion with, as they tend to be open minded and well read in various religions. I am politically Moderate and think both Liberals and Republicans have good ideas, but go about things in the most idiotic manner.

That should about cover it. Oh, almost forgot, I like to write a lot as well. :P

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January 3, 2007
Posts: 17

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Re: Introductions

Yeah, I don't feel my profile explanation covers the "Real' me well enough. So here goes:

My name is Franklin. I live in California because I found work here making a good deal of money for someone my age with no college under his belt yet. I am a tradesman. My trade is Gas transmission installation.
I am wanting to go to college but am having trouble working around conventions. I mean to say that, Comic Conventions sap the money out of you fairly well. But I will go to college, mark my words. I will one day own several small businesses to be independantly wealthy.

My interests are as follows:
I love Gaming of all sorts. Even sports sometimes^^.
I love the movies.
I like to go out on the town. i will have a drink or two but I never drink to get drunk. i used to party hard and I have long since put that behind. But like i said. I like to go out still.
I like trying new things and seeing new places. So travelling is a hobby.
There are others but nothing dark and scary. Just ask and I will see if anything comes to mind.

I can be absent minded. I am a little forgetful but it is only because I am very focused on the now like the wolfrider tribe.(book junkies will get that one^_-)I am very affectionate and caring. I am always wanting to provide for everyone. Sometimes my friends say I can be a little too selfless. I am not shallow, but I am very picky. For example: I parted with my last girlfriend who was very beautiful and uite wealthy because she liked to party a little excessively and she didn't really share any interests as my own. This is not to say that we had nothing in common. but we had very little at all.

On that note, what I look for in a woman:

I would like to meet someone who is loving and supportive. I would liek to think that if I wanted to diet or something that she would make meals healthy etc. I would also like to meet someone Who is cute. I know that is what everyone wants but most people will settle. I will not. I want to get married at some point and I will only marry someone I am completely happy with. In the same turn I like to keep myself good looking for my other.As far as interests. I like a ton of things, most center around movies going out to shop and most important of all...GAMING. This is a gaming web site after all. That about covers it I think. If you want to know more, ask!

Now all that doesn't mean i am unapproachable. I love conversation and will talk to anyone about anything. Plus I know tons of other cool guys out there who are looking so maybe they might be interested. Just ask! Talk to me about anything.

I guess that is it for now, but I am sure I am missing something. Anyways, fairwell and hope to hear from you!

Franky D

Oh yeah! I tabletop, play cards, I do MMO's, I like board, and I am wanting to get back into LARP. (those are a few of the game types I play. I play all platforms so chances are we will have some game to talk about^^)

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