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Quirky playstation games.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Quirky playstation games.

Well, seeing as there's nothing in the playstation I hoped I could bring a good (Decent at least) topic to bear a little chat fruit in this section.

So here's a question for people to ponder and answer if they want.. what are your favorite quirky games on the playstation? By quirky I mean games with strange systems and out of the box scenarios.
The gameplay doesn't need to be absolutely different from the norm but a bit bizzare in it's own right. A example game might be "Mr. Dominoes", which I never played but got a peak at on a internet show.

Feel free to be as detailed as you wish about the game, it would be good if you explained as much as possible about them, thanks. :)

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`when I saw the word, "box" it reminded me of the one game for the playstation I think it was called Intelligent Cube. It was a puzzle game where you had these cubes coming towards you and you had to get rid of them before they crushed you or pushed you off the edge.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`There was one game for the ps1 that I had played a demo of a long while ago. I can't remember the name, deadly cube, hazard cube or something around that.
You were some guy with explosives strapped to him and had to go around these cube rooms with obstacles, needing to clear them out before the timer went off, or you got BOOMED ^^. That was a weird platform/action game.

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