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January 3, 2007
Posts: 17

PostPosted:     Post subject: THE POWER OF...
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Hi everybody!
I am trying something new and going crazy! Want to Join? I have been at it for a while now and I have recieved several e-mails from cute girls that say they want to chat and then I e-mail 'em and BAM! no reply. It is nuts! I spent the last couple of days writing my 10 letter limit ( ridiculous in my humble opinion) And not had a single response yet. I like the feature though where you can check to see if they have read your mail. I checked and not one has read it, so I assume(and remember that aassuming makes an --- out of u and me) that they just made a one shot at the gaming passions and ran. One that seems to post( Iheartmiyavi) is the exception)
Oh, on that note, Miyavi is a Japanese rock star and even if you can't appreciate the lyrics(like me) you can totally groove the sound. Check him out on Myspace.

And it is a gaming site so from now on we will talk about games as well. I'll start!

Halo 3 beta-not enough to please me but shapes up well enough to buy.
Bioshock-Probably the scariest game since silent hill 1,then F.E.A.R.
Starwars the force unleashed- God could bring that fast enough...
Pokemon Diamond- I lovemaking poffins and Giratina is wicked looking
Sudoku mania-it's sudoku for god sake, but portable and fun!
New Super Mario Bros.-Really fun
Oblivion- Perfection, i love the Mad God.
FFXI- doesn't measure up for MMO standards but fun for friends to hang.
Zelda:Twilight Princess-Very good addition to the saga.
Rayman's-Nothing funnier than crazed bunnies. period.
D&D-Best tabletop ever, anyone got good memories from a game/

I could go on forever back to the Famicom and Little ninja bros.( my favorite game from the system )
But on to other stuff!


Pirates 3-awesome Jonny always delivers
Spiderman 3- WTF is up with Emo Parker?
Shrek 3- Little less funny then two
Rise of the Silver surfer- Wicked


I like these new songs:

Capital G

Hell, I'll stop there the list is too large for this site...
But some favorite Bands are:

modest Mouse
Lily Allen

And that is just today's list tomorrow is most likely different.

Don't think i am crazy yet? Read my Livejournal. Jaded_Deceit is me, no pics, just my dreams and random scrawlings.

Myspace you say? W.I.S.C. is my screen name. It has nothing to do with Wisconsin by the way but thanking for thinking so.

Best net comics ever?

All of you should go read elfquest now! Start with the novelization, the second book, then go to the first, then the third and continue on. It is always better to read a linear series that way. Then get the comix online or at your dealer as they are cool.

I heart starwars! YAY!


... Okay, I think that is all for now. Hopefully you can all apreciate something in here enough to comment that way we can start a conversation and...GASP.... have a thread to speak on about anything that people will be excited to visit.

Always yours,

The Il----rious Franky D
(W.I.S.C. is an acronym i made for a game I was playing and I have kept it a secret for a long time. Don't beat yourself up over it. )

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