fynono (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: REAL money auction house (Diablo 3) |
For those who have not seen anything about this I thought it would be a nice idea to share some info with you guys. So anyhow yes Diablo 3 will be implementing a REAl cash auction house. It runs along side the regular in game currency already in place. From my understanding it will be two different auction houses. This is a great idea because I fully expect this game to have LESS gold and item farmers in the game. If there is you honestly won't know cause they will not be spamming your channels with thier crap.
Now there is a few catches to this Real cash trading. First off you have two options when you sale an item. One, you can have the money go straight into your bank acct or store your money as BLIZZARD CASH. This Blizzard cash will be able to buy games,expansions, and game time for World of Warcraft. So all you wow junkies out there OMG you can pay for your addiction with items you sell on Diablo 3 haha. BBBBUUUT...... Don't think your going to just put up every item you get for sale in that cash auction because there is a FLAT charge fee for putting it up. So useally these cash auctions will be very very rare items,runes, ETC. You will not see a bunch of health pots in there haha. Which is good cause if your looking around in the cash auction you know your going to find good items to buy.
To my knowledge this is the first of it's kind and I hope it turns out to be a very great success. I just think that this idea is fantastic. Again, Blizzard is stepping up thier game and honestly I don't think i've ever even brainstormed this idea ever in my head. Keep the ideas coming BLIZ.