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PS3 or Xbox 360?

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February 18, 2013
Posts: 4

PostPosted:     Post subject: PS3 or Xbox 360?
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This is not another Console Wars thread. Don't come in making big claims about which console you think is better simply BECAUSE.
Don't talk trash about one system or the other, or any person(s) either.
Don't get in arguments and devolve this into another stupid thread full of stupid comments like "360 sux!" or "PSN is for human trash too poor to afford XBL"

I want to hear it from people who have actually done their homework into the matter and know something about the system specifications of each machine and its peripherals (i.e. controllers, motion control, online, etc.). I'm looking for unbiased opinions based on fact and evidence and TECHNICAL knowledge.

With that being said...I have a 360 and I have been a fan of microsoft for years, but let's just say I'm tired of some of their practices and I've also done a little research of my own. It looks to me like PS3 has everything that the 360 does (except its better graphics, which is a moot point (1080i is NOT much different than 1080p to the human eye. Get over it), free online (which may or may not be a good thing), and blu-ray), so the short of it is this: The PS3 has everything that the 360 does except its either better or free (which is not necessarily better).
In terms of games, both are pretty similar with the distinction being 360 has more action/shooters whereas PS3 has more RPG-goodness...and seeing as how I'm a RPG fan the tie goes to PS3.
Also, I do share the general consensus that the 360 controllers are simply better than the PS3 controllers, both by design and performance.

Now I would really really like to have both...I have no real complaints against the 360 itself despite my qualms with its parent company...and the fact I have to pay for what everyone else is getting for free on both PSN and Wii Network (or whatever Nintendo calls it)...BUT I'm not made of money. So the question is PS3 or Xbox 360? Which is better?

Ignoring the fact that next generation consoles are on the horizon, what do you guys think? Let me hear good, true, and honest technical opinions about these consoles and which I should ultimately rest with, because right now I'm leaning towards PS3 but buying one would mean trading in all my games and my 360 therefore sacrificing all my save files and leaving me with nothing but a console with no games to play on it.

Also, do not quote sales reports however "accurate" they may be. I could honestly care less about figures like that. Who sold more means very little except that people outside of the U.S. know better than to buy Microsoft like people bought "bottled water" back when the French invented it.

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