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Little Advice Please

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February 3, 2013
Posts: 6

PostPosted:     Post subject: Little Advice Please
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I've been on here and several other sites a lot recently. I need some help getting a little interest.

I'm honest enough, as in I don't lie but I obviously don't blurt silly stuff out too much. Although It rarely gets to the point where I've had a reply. Infact in over a year of looking I've had the following 3 replies.

1. message once and never again for no reason.
2. "I had to reply because you made me laugh, but your not my type".
3. I had one conversation with a girl on this site, and she suddenly stopped replying. I tried to talk a bit more but she didn't reply at all so I promptly gave up. I didn't want to harass.

I'm a nice guy, I'm honest. I don't insult and try not to offend people. OK, I might be a little lonely, and I often wonder if it seems weird how I nearly always reply within 12 hours, but that's because I check my messages twice a day usually. When ever I'm bored I check any site I can find people on (including family members on Facebook).

I've had a relationship or 2 in the past. Apart from one break up caused by her family (story is very long, and a bit personal for a public forum), all of my relationships have ended for reasons that have really made me feel bad about myself (ok only 3 but i consider 3 from age 15 to 25 to say I'm not just another "play the game " jerk). One of those 3 I admit I was a d---. But that happens when you get into somehting when your still screwed up from the last thing (back on that personal thing).

The other 2 were the "I've fallen for someone else" kind of break ups. Is there something dramatically wrong with me that shows in my profiles or messages. Or re people just naturally inclined to ignore messages from people they don't consider to be "total studs" or anything like that.

Sorry for the big post, but I kinda just wanna know If I'm ever going to get a contact that lasts more then 2 messages.

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March 19, 2011
Posts: 9

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`I too have experienced people suddenly disappearing, even when my response to theirs is lengthy. That is crucial though, being able to hold a conversation as it shows that you are interested in them. I am sure you know that already. You are lucky that one girl turned you down politely; you will get people who won't even give you the common courtsey. It is tough, but you have to bite your tongue and keep hoping. Putting a picture of yourself up will greatly help, take that into consideration.

I was surprised to find out you are from Essex too xD

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Hey if it helps from a girls point of view:
Firstly, you don't know these women personally nor do they you, so don't take it to heart somuch if someone doesn't reply. I don't reply to all my messages sometimes you don't have time or sometimes a message can be construed in a different way than intended (not saying yours are just some I get sound quite rude or insensitive or just vulger)
Also a picture of you would be better, people need to know who there responding to, you probably don't get replies for that major fact alone really :/
Hope it improves for you ^_^

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