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League of legends High elo mentoring

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: League of legends High elo mentoring

Let me start first by saying if you have not heard of legaue of legends I highly advice you to check this game out. This post is about the recent season 1 dreamhack competition and how it's affecting the players across all elo. I currently reside in afghanistan but I did get a chance to play some during my time out here. I must say I am very impressed by the random que. We are starting to see low elo players care about thier teamates, place wards, and kill team objectives at appropriate times. Thier will always be times even in your ranked games where people just don't care about anyone but themselves and that can devestate your outlook on the game. It will always be in your best interest to form your own team that will play the game the way its meant to be played. I truely cry when people go to thier lanes without giving a crap about thier junglers and making sure the other team doesn't try and grab the advantage on you. Know your role if you are a support or a tank you should be placing wards and gaining sight on your opponent. If your a ranged carry DON't put yourself in a bad position in a team fight. I always hear people complain when a carry attacks a tank but heres the real scoop. It's a carries job to dps whatever is available and sometimes that is a tank. I see tooo many ashes and tristanas going into a middle of a fight to kill the enemy carry. How are you suppose to kill thier carry if thier tank can also dps and suppress you. Don't listen to people tell you your bad becaause a tank is all you can hit . This is why thier are items such as mandreds and last whisper. Your are squishy get used to it and know how to avoid gap closers such as xin and irelia. Let them be the ones to cross your front line and become supressed they die VERY easy when focused. Really I can say that i've seen alot better team play from even these low ranks and that is truely a plus. Who wants to win so easy or lose so horribly?

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