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Games to come...Mass effect

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January 3, 2007
Posts: 17

PostPosted:     Post subject: Games to come...Mass effect
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I have chosen one to be released in the future and will put my thoughts and feelings on it. Comments are welcome, and feel free to add to anything. Once done add your game to come plus it's name in the General discussion thread.

My first game is Mass Effect on the XBOX360. This game is made by Bioware, the creators of Knights of the old republic and Jade empire.
Deviating from the path of a semi-linear game and pushing the limits of exploration, Mass effect takes on a large galaxy feel. In this game, you are human working for some military body. Humans have recently mastered dark matter and have joined the intergalactic senerio. With several new races of aliens discovered, new technologies became available( Master's of Orion 3 anyone?)
Similar to the many dungeons that you find in Bethesda's hit, Elderscrolls 4:Oblivion, you will be able to search over 100 planets some teeming with life. others much too hostile to visit and everything inbetween as well as derelict ships and old abandoned satelites. These remote locations may provide manpower, resources, or technology thought lost.(I picture jump to lightspeed for starwars galaxies, that was a cool way to build awesome ships.)
Not wanting to sway fully into an RPG style game, they left in 3rd person combat. Similar to that of Gears of war your combat will be over the shoulder but also have hints of turned based squad based play. You will have a squad and can issue commands like in Republic commando, but it will have the turn based set-up of like Knights of the old republic 1 and 2.

I give this gave the go ahead for the RPG crowd as the story's sinister plot will keep you enthralled. It will have fast enough action though to keep the adreneline junkies of FPS involved as well.

Any comments questions or debates regarding Mass effect?

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Posted:     Post subject: Re: Mass effect

That sounds like a pretty sweet game. I might be able to pry myself off WoW for that title. When is it coming out?

As for the game I'm waiting for... Resident Evil 5. Need I say more?

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January 3, 2007
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I'll check and post about it in a bit. Also my next game up for review or preview rather will be the famous title " Fallout" and it's 4th edition "Fallout 3" (because there was a fallout tactics game. It was fun.

But anyways, I'll keep you posted.

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Posted:     Post subject:

I'm not looking forward to Mass Effect all too much since the squad style gameplay isn't exactly my style. However, I do think it looks to be one of the greatest games to be released of this generation, really pushing the boundaries of what we know as the RPG.

I'm more looking forward to Bioshock, though. Less of a wait at that.

Also, RE5 is slated for 2009 I believe.

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January 3, 2007
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Everyone is waiting for RE:5.

As for Bioshock, I like the idea of a new thriller game. This one will be cool because it brings back the old school scare tactics used in " The village of the Damned" series and the game series "Silent Hill". Anyone who sees a little girl syphoning blood after tra-la-la'ing through corpses and mass carnage is going to be disturbed. I like the thought of the utopia-gone-wrong. Again it touches on aspects that make you think, "What if?..." Like the Matrix did.
If you have an Xbox 360 then you have most likely played the demo. I haven't had the pleasure yet but I daresay that it will only tease the appetite for what is to come to fruit soon enough. Although I do admit with the horror genre not exactly stacking titles up right now, I believe both RE:5 and Bioshock will get the sales they need to keep their producers, well, producing .
I never did get to post on Fallout 3. There is soo much there to be read that I didn't feel it important for me to divulge since I would just be adding my own thoughts and views to pre-published works. It is note-worthy here though to say that it will be a must-buy for any open end gamers who enjoy post-apocalyptic life in the wastes.
Another to Mention would be for the stealth gamers out there, Assassin's Creed, very beautiful looking. And for the FPS crowd... ONE MONTH TO GO FOR HALO3!!! WOOT. Sorry, ahem. I need to finish paying off my two copies of legendary edition(one for the old

Did anyone get the parappa the rapper 2 for PSP? I watched a fan dive in and it is as funny looking as ever. Sure to be fun for th rythme gamers.

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well im kinda broke and jobless so I can't buy any of these new games coming out :p

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January 3, 2007
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Played Bioshock. Ran down to gamestop and rezed/paid off. Can't wait.

Beautiful Katamari. Anyone tried it yet?

Still waiting for Assassins creed...

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Posted:     Post subject: Games to Come...Hellgate London

I'm definitely looking forward to playing Mass Effect and Bioshock. I'm waiting on my new PC for Bioshock.

To add to the topic, another game I'm looking forward to is Hellgate: London. It's a game for the PC that comes out on Oct 31st. It takes place in London, of course, after gates from hell pop up all over the world and attack an ill-prepared Earth. Basically, we lose, but we have small groups of people that belong to a secret society formed years ago who have studied and prepared for the coming of the hellgates. In this game, they stage their attacks from the Underground, the subway system in London. You can play as a Hunter, a Cabalast(a sorcerer(ess) of sorts), or a Templar. There are various sub-classes within these choices. It can be played in the first or third person perspectives as it's both a shooter and an action game. It's supposed to play a lot like Diablo II, randomly generated levels, lots of loot, and lots of guys to kill. Also, a lot of the people behind Diablo II are working on the project. It's definitely looks like it's shaping into a solid game.

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November 6, 2007
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There are way too many games coming out this month to just pick one to get excited for would be impossible.
I don't actually think I'll leave the house when I get Assassin's Creed. I am so unbelievably excited for Army of Two I saw some graphics, it looks fantastic.

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January 3, 2007
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Assassin's creed was a minor let-down with it's lack of content. While the story was compelling, the repetative nature of the missions makes it hard to be a contender with other games.
Mass Effect was a great game. It was a bit easy though and the lack of decent side quests made it all too much like KOTOR 1 and 2. So it wasn't so much ground-breaking as I would have hoped.
Geometry Wars Galaxies could keep a crackhead entertained for days. Enough said.

Looking forward to:

Fallout 3
Starwars Unleashed
Animal Crossing: Wild World on WII
Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Anyone need advice on games just hit me up. I like to help^^!


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