fynono (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Elder Scrolls V SKYRIM 11 11 11 |
I am very late on the times for this game because of my deployment and i'm sorry, non the less let us talk about some Elder Scrolls. If you were a huge Elder scrolls fan you'll remember playing it WAY back in the day for some of us on our very first computer. This game of course was second rate untill the birth of Morrowind. Obliviion seemed to completely overshadow the last game almost entirely. What makes Elder scrolls so good is not only the combat,quest, and adventures. It's the amount of detail that always goes into these games. In the previous games you could simply just hang out in town and it was like a REAL breathing world. Everyone town had thier own agendas. Some drunk was always in the bar every night and useally got so hammered he went off in the night about 3 a.m. to do drug,supply, and etc trades to the thieves guild. It was nuts that they did thier own things and the great thing was some quests involved catching these people in the act and required you to sneak around and find out what they are all up to. This game I'm sure will be even better than its previous game. If you watch the trailer youll see alot about whats new to the game. The quest and interatction system is being changed up a bit. I love that dragons are everywhere they can attack anything anytime. Even something you have been fighting haha. Also the dragons will be absorbed into your being giving you more power and abilities. useing weapons and magic is a breze, also useing two hands for your magical attacks will increase how potent they are. I for one cannot wait to pick up this title and give it a go. The great thing is it comes out in november giving all you diablo nuts a few months of rpg fun before our precious Diablo 3 will hit shelves. So I wish you luck in this awsome land of magic and wonder, be sure to lock up your house and posessions. I will be there about 4 a.m. with a lockpick.