Joined: July 24, 2008
Posts: 6
Posted: Post subject: <Insert witty greeting here.> |
Hello fellow gaming enthusiasts!
I think I had looked at this site once or twice before, but just did finally join yesterday.
I'm a long time gamer, and enjoy playing almsot any game from nearly every genre...except for sports sims like Madden and such...for some reason, every-time I play something like that I get about 5 minutes in and then just decide to go make a sandwich and not come back. Weird..anyways...
I admit, you'll most likely find me playing an RPG or an MMO, an actiodventure title, fighter or just something utterly oddball (I actually enjoy pool on Wii Play).
So hope to get to chat with some of ya!
P.S.: I also tend to type a bit faster than I should, hence my title as typo-king, just a forewarning :S